Thursday, July 24, 2008


I am from El Salvador and I have been in Richmond VA for five years. My favorite sport is
soccer, I like to play every Sunday, and I love watching the soccer games


Unknown said...

I didn't know it interest in soccer. I'm love this sport. We could play together, moreover, we can do a great game: Salvador versus Brazil or Brazil and Salvador against Argentina! I'm just kidding. If you like play it, tell me when you can. Jaime, see you Tuesday. Have a good week.

Nestor Febres Blog said...

Hi man,how are you today?how was your weekend? I think that we have to organise this week a soccer game with all our classmates,see you tuesday buddy,take care.

Vinicius A. J. de Lima said...

Hey yo Jaimes, What's going on dude???
How was the GED test? When are you going to get the official test?
Peace out!!!!

:: leonardo siqueira :: said...
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:: leonardo siqueira :: said...

Why Dude? Are there a special mean about this nickname? How do you prefer be called: Dude or Jaime? I'm just kidding, man. Well, "Dude Jaime", I hope you have a good week. Starting tomorrow, I'll have a so desired three weeks of vacations. Finally! I'm anxious about it! Hey, I give you a interesting advice: type his paragraphs correctly, because I don't know how I'll help you. I thing is easier you help me than I support you. Take care, buddy!